How to Instantly Diffuse an Argument
Is Your Marriage in Trouble?”, “How to Instantly Diffuse an Argument
Women Who Accept Their Cheating Husbands
Married Yet Living Apart
Why Women Take Back Men Who Are Unfaithful
Starter Marriages
Are There Certain Times of the Year that Couples Breakup?
Why Women are Drawn to Successful Men?
Do Opposites Really Attract?
Do Relationships Work When Couples Breakup and Get Back Together?
How to Get Busy Working Moms to Take More Time for Themselves
Does a Deep Voice on a Man Make Him More Apt To Cheat?
Marriages Actually Do Better When Fathers Do Less
When Should Women Walk Away from Unhealthy Relationships?
Married People Living Longer Than Singles
How Fantasy Football Effects Relationships
How to Get Busy Working Moms to Take More Time for Themselves
Competitive Mothering
How to Keep a Long Term Marriage Going Strong
Dealing with Relatives at the Holidays
Interview about The Breakup Bible
Artistic Collaboration Between Couples
Can Ex Lovers Work at the Same Company
The Best and Worst Way to Breakup
When Reuniting Feels So Good and Hurts So Bad
How To Spend a Weekend After a Breakup
Couples Who Game Together, Stay Together
Surprise! You Just Walked into MY Wedding
Can You Spot A Gold Digger
Sex Lists Aren't Just for Lilo - New Yorkers are Keeping Them Too
3 Cringe-Worthy Tales About Losing Your V-card on Prom Night
2015 is Officially the Summer of Divorce
What Constitutes an Affair?
Matching Tattoos - One Bad Idea
After an Affair - Focus on the Family is Number One
Can Couples Reunite After an Affair?
Relationship Specialist
The Dirty Sex Rule Happy Couples Swear By
How to Teach Your Man Not to Gossip
When Good Things Come From Arguing
Good Reasons to Date a Mama’s Boy
Is He a Better Boyfriend if He has Sisters?
Is Using Cute Nicknames Good for Your Relationship?
The Female and Male Sexual Response Cycle
Is it Ever OK to Be Jealous?